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Since we live and work on the property, we hope you were able to tell us your pleasures or anything that was displeasing.
If by any chance, you missed us, or didn’t want to approach us, please take a moment to let us know about your experience.
Thanks for spending time at Changing Tides with us.
December 6, 2022
"Authentic 1950's time warp. if you love character, you'll love this place. Fifty-year-old trees, sailboats tied up at seawall, happy party lights at night, nice BBQ's - a virtual private park, dogs very welcome, too. Place not all fancied up - just 'real' . Get your key and the apt. is yours - no pesky maid service to barge into your visit - total privacy. If you need something, Kathy is always around somewhere. Each apt. has it's own water view front porch. This is how it used to be before developers spoiled Florida with progress - and sadly, one day, this too will be gone."
December 5, 2022
"Authentic 1950's time warp! If you love character, you'll love this place. Fifty-year-old trees planted by owner in her youth, sailboats tied up at seawall, happy party lights at night, nice BBQ's - a virtual private park, dogs welcome, too. Not all fancied up - just real. Owner gives you the keys and it's yours - no pesky maid service to barge into you visit - total privacy. If you need something, Kathy is always around somewhere. Each apt has it's own front porch with waterview. This is how it used to be before developers spoiled Florida with progress and sadly one day this, too, will be gone."
November 7, 2022
"Awesome place, had a great time, very relaxing…everyone is friendly …thanks Kathy for everything…."
September 20, 2022
July 25, 2022